Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I have joined a couple of solids quilt-a-longs on Flickr.  The P2-Patchwork Squared group that begins on Monday.  I chose the teal and lime colorway.  This should be lots of fun.  Ryan Walsh and our own Charlie Scott from Patchwork Squared are running this quilt sampler quilt-a-long.

I told myself to take a break from the swaps and such but really didn't listen to myself.  I was trying to stick with my own quilting adventures but I guess I will do a couple more group projects.

Have you seen Elizabeth Hartman's Tokyo Subway Map quilt?  It is wonderful.  A group was started on Flickr where 25 quilters would make 25 copies of the same block...they would then be gathered by Kreated by Kari and distributed so that everyone has the 25 blocks that are required to make the quilt.
I am excited about having this quilt.  Now to get my 25 blocks done by deadline.
These are the colors I need for my block along with a few goodies from my stash.
Hope you all are making progress on your projects too!

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